Saturday, April 28, 2012

Taiwan's tea choices in 7-11

From Yogurt choices, milk, juices.

tons of soymilk choice. each of it has bit different taste. :) and there is promotion about German beer I guess :)

Soymilk in Taiwan is really good, but I would not dare drink milk again, Don't know about the exact reason but I've heard about that Taiwan milk contains butter inside which makes taste different from real 100% milk. :P I personally didn't like taste of it.

quaker oats , fruits flavor milk,  tons of tea choices.
almost every beverage is less than 40NT which is around.... 1.2USD.. Tons of choices with really nice price. I love drinking so I loved it. :)
they have tooooons of tea shops on the street. it is really common. and they all pretty much good and cheap. 

different fruit flavor milks , and 2nd line is coffee actually. also tons of choices. (not all of them are coffee though) but sometimes I feel like they put too much sugar in the milk or tea.
I love matcha latte too, they have quite strong taste of matcha but it is quite good :)

latte, fruit teas, and some more. 

teas, teas and teas tons of different types. 

They have puddings too, which i like. I think it originally came from Japan. not sure though

 They have lots of different types of lunch box too.
curry, beef, pork, and tons of different noodles. and small rice balls too.
basically you can find every meal in convenient store in Taiwan :0

bread... they have tons of different types of bread too.

Not everything tastes good though, it is fair enough.
I love they have lots of drinks. :) they also have fridges normally 4 of them, but sometimes more if the store is big. sodas and drinking bottles are in there. a loooooooooooooooooooooooot just like teas outside fridge.

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