Sunday, September 23, 2012


traditional way

some traditional fight competition :P

girls used to play this i heard

like this,
but no one does that now.
it is only held as a huge event type of thing.
what i heard about this is that they tried to protect soldiers by making enemies confused how many people there are... I am not sure though.. :P

this rice cake :) i wanna eat now XD

this is pancake type of food.
remember chinese vegetable pancake?
it is like that.

traditional snack made with rice.
it is crispy but sweet
i heard they fried it and then coating them with sugar syrup. or honey. don't know

this is lots of different ingredients in a skewer.
egg, meat, ricecake,,,,,

this is one thing that mom never wants to make.
becoz it needs a lot of cooking :P
9 of them is dfferent ingredients.

this is traditional board game. Don't knwo china has one
really simple, your little piece (think like chess with just one piece) will go forward as much as your bar indicating after you throwing.
if two of them are lying on backwards and the other two is uphead. your piece can go forward two times.
there must be more complicated rules but forgot XD

panel still working on

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

flagship store program

elevation of surrounding buildings

transportation stops.
orange dots - subway // red dots - bus stop


activities around the site.
bigger dots are more crowded and active area

approach to the site.
people usually come insdie of the site with that way

simply just about site and road situation 

site area. specific cad file
as you can see site is really big
and three of students will work together after all 
but right now, it is on me where to put flagship store.
being able to use whole area 
whole seoul       ------------------------     site specifically 

diagram about space and programs
not completed yet