Sunday, August 19, 2012

cesky krumlov


the cafe i told you

wrote post card here. wish i knew you.

puppets. i should've bought those......
I will def buy it next time

koh-i-noor door :) stationary store

Monday, August 6, 2012

the last starcraft 1 league in korea.

this was epic for me to have opportunity to work for starleague final match.

it was about 8 years ago i was stupidly into starcraft and i met those people I really loved yesterday. even though hadnt chance to talk to them privately. but i was standning right in front of them. for almost 7 years I almost never played starcraft. maybe 1 time a year. but life is fulll of unexpectency. i really didn't have any idea that i will work there.

tarleague will be left in history........ and I am pretty happy that i was there..

(though I didn't have any idea who those two players for the fianl... they were too new to me)

final match was in the stadium. tons of people were there.

history from 1999. the time I was really into was 2003~2004.
at that time, only final match was pretty big deal in huge place like this.
but other games were held in small room in exhibition  hall. I heard there is broad casting station just for game and obviously matches were in that place...............

this was the uniform when I was into. G.O was one of the team atm.

i think the guy sitting in the center is foreigner.
there are lots of foreigners who wanna see this match. and there were also some press from america too.
one group of people i was freaked of is people from china.
one guy said they were from here just for the game. they came here by plane in the morning and then they will go back tomorrow morning flight.
it was obvious they were here for the game. ..........
16 people... were here just for the game.. i don't know game was that worth it.. though...

the man standing right is the cast who tells people how it is going.
he cried after all when gamers and cast say goodbye to the audience and proclaim that this starcraft 1 match will be the last.

these two players were really famous and I really liked them too.
they are obviously really close to each other.

It was really something that i can tell others that it was worthwhile to work as part time job.
I am quite proud of korean pro-gamer and starcraft market.
somethings should go otherwise things might better couldn't come.
I think it was time to let starcraft 1 go...........................
though it is really sad that this willl be never held again....
I know because players will not prepare for this game and gamers now probably stop practicing 1 and then... ...........

another one huge thing in game history..........
and one huge part of my younger.

and thanks to be with me.....